Email Marketing Made Simple

Evelyn Merritt
3 min readSep 1, 2020

Begin your online marketing journey and develop subscriber real estate.

Taken from Aweber’s Company website

Did you know that email marketing subscribers can be considered real estate? If you consider how valuable it is to an online marketer, then you can see that it is one of the most valuable assets that you can say you own. Your list and how many subscribers you have can make you successful if you know how to use it.

I have found Aweber be a very easy-to-use email marketing tool. It allows beginners, business owners and entrepreneurs to cultivate relationships with their customers. Since 1998, AWeber has been the email engine powering the growth of organizations around the world.

Today, more than 100,000 businesses, entrepreneurs, agencies and nonprofits are making use of Aweber’s services.

Can you believe it?

Have you considered getting you an autoresponder for free to try it out? Aweber has a free program where you can get an account and it doesn’t cost you until you get up to 500 subscribers. Not much is free when you start your online business.

There are many resources to help you get on your way with Aweber without having to purchase anything. You have access to their Knowledge Base about how to get started. You can join Aweber Academy and learn. You can visit the Launchpad where you can master…



Evelyn Merritt

A proud mother and grandmother! I am blessed beyond measure. I also enjoy writing online topics to help people do business online. Come let’s learn more.