I Care About My Body

Evelyn Merritt
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

Why Did I Join?

Last July, I was noticing a couple of my friends and how much weight they were losing. I wondered how they could lose so much weight when they previously couldn’t lose. I inquired to them what they were doing.

They told me they were doing a total body nutrition program to lose weight and it worked for them where they previously couldn’t lose weight. They also said they were having good results with their health when they visited the doctor’s office.

Being that I have had to deal with the doctor wanting to give me medicine for cholesterol, sugar diabetes, and blood pressure, I decided I would see if this could help me as much as it helps them.

I ordered the experience which is a 4-week plan to get healthy and lose weight. I needed to lose about 40–45 pounds. I hit my goal at the end of November and have been able to maintain my weight to a 2 pound range ever since.

Since I have had success with this plan, I want to share with you why I decided to give it a try. I needed to bring my cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure numbers to a better level, and, I needed to lose weight. My doctor told me I could stop wearing my C-Pap machine if I could lose weight. I lost what she told me, but I didn’t feel like I could give it up. Then, after losing 45 pounds, I could feel like I didn’t need it any more.

After all this, I don’t want to keep this plan to myself. I want you to check it out as well. Set you up a free account — it doesn’t cost you…



Evelyn Merritt

A proud mother and grandmother! I am blessed beyond measure. I also enjoy writing online topics to help people do business online. Come let’s learn more.